My husband Dave and I moved to Tucson in 1972.  We’ve been married for 51 years and have 2 sons and 4 grandchildren. We moved into Casa Real in 2000. I’ve worked my entire career in retail, mainly the grocery world.  I became a cake decorator/pastry chef which gave me the opportunity to open stores throughout Arizona with Safeway and AJs Fine Foods (Bashas). I was hired as the Bakery Manager of AJs in 2003 and helped prepare and open the store.  I retired in 2018 and when permitting we like to explore the beautiful spots in Arizona and California. Covid put a halt on travel for a couple years so we have a lot of catching up to do. I played softball and tennis for many years but that has switched to hiking, daily walks and getting into pickle ball.  Looking forward to seeing what the future brings for Casa Real.



My wife Barb and I moved to Tucson in November 2022 after living our entire life in the suburbs of Chicago. We’ve been married for 39 years and have 2 sons and 1 daughter. I’ve worked in manufacturing, Logistics and now Payroll / Accounts Payable. I retired from manufacturing after 38 yrs making conduit, fence post, sprinkler pipe in 2019. I worked for CN Railroad doing Logistics for the Training Center and shipping Covid supplies across the country. Currently I work at a Non-Profit Child & Family Resources. I like to golf watch hockey and relax at the pool. Looking forward to helping the community of Casa Real to further enhance our great lives we have here in Tucson.


I have lived in Casa Real since 1991 and have seen the many changes in our
Homeowners Association. Enjoy helping new homeowners and welcoming
them to our community. I retired from working in social services after 40 years working with abused people.
Now I volunteer working to fill food boxes for the less fortunate.
I have been a board member for many years and past president of Casa Real.


Upon retirement decided to see the country in an RV.  Did this for 3 years until I fell in love with the desert and landed in Tucson/Casa Real in 2019.  I am committed to living a healthy lifestyle, focusing on good nutrition and daily exercise.  I am avid cyclist, walker, bird watcher and a self-taught artist.   I am passionate about being a good steward of the environment supporting regenerative organic farming, planting native plants that support local and migratory birds, bees and butterflies and reducing/eliminating harmful spraying. I joined the Casa Real HOA to do my part to ensure we continue to maintain and improve our community so we all can enjoy a really great place to live.